Stockholm Subway
I've lived in Stockholm for most of my 38 years, been riding the subway as long as I can remember. But I have never really looked at the stations i've past trough the years. Its not until recently I've been aware of its rough beauty. Last year I decided that it was time to start a new personal project, where I would go from station to station and try to find stations that looked interesting to me and try and document them. Often late at night or early in the morning to try and get the stations completely empty, which takes a lot of patience, cause well there are a few people using the subway here in Stockholm regardless of what the clock is. The Subway system containing 100 stations who are full of beautiful architecture and has been decorated with sculptures, mosaics, paintings, installations, engravings and reliefs by over 150 artists. It has taken me a few months to get these shots. Its an ongoing series so I will continue to fill this post with more stations as time goes by. Far from every station got something special about them so I wont be taking shots of all stations, but so far Im up to like 20 stations. To be continued. For the ongoing project and more shots here: ____________________________________________ For more of my work: